
  • Direct Tax Advisory
  • Income Tax planning for companies, partnerships and Individuals in Salary Income, Rental Income, self-occupied property tax planning, Capital gains and tax savings opportunities, Joint development and planning, Income from Business or profession, Income from other Sources, TDS advisory on property, TDS on Salary, TDS on Interest, TDS on rent, TDS on contract payments, TDS payment to non-resident, carry forward and set off of income, clubbing of income, deductions from total Income, advance tax, interest payments on late filing of return and late payment of taxes, assessments, opportunities of appeal, penalties etc.

  • GST Advisory
  • Consulting in GST Law, Migration, New Registration, transitional credits, composition scheme, invoicing and collection of taxes, filing of returns, payment of tax, restructuring of accounting process and procedures, input tax credits, refunds, e commerce companies, job works, assessments, appeals collection of tax at source, product pricing strategy etc.

  • Financial Projections and Loans
  • Financial projections for loans and lesioning with bank in economically and financially viable cases.

  • Due Diligence
  • A comprehensive appraisal of a business undertaken for a prospective buyers, sellers, investor, lender or similar associates especially to establish its assets and liabilities and evaluate its commercial potential and commercial risks in mergers, acquisitions, joint venture, project finance, securitization etc. It consists of background, legal, accounting, financial and factual checks. The basic reason for doing such an exercise is to make sure that there are no surprises or unknown business and non-business risks after the deal is signed.

  • Business valuation
  • Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner's interest in a business. Valuation is used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or receive to affect a sale of a business. Businesses need to be valued for a number of reasons such as their purchase and sale, equity investments, obtaining a listing, and capital gains tax computations. Generally, valuation difficulties are restricted to unlisted companies.

    Generally, valuations are approached as follows:
    1. Assets-based.
    2. Income-based.
    3. Cash flow-based.

    Price is what you pay. Value is what you get - Warren Buffet

    The Investor today does not Profit from yesterday’s Growth - Warren Buffet

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